Our FD-UK committee member Rosalind Jacobs, responsible for FD-UKs ‘patient communications’ has also been selected as carer governor for UCLH. As a parent carer Ros totally understands what it’s like to live as a carer and manage all the stresses it brings to the family unit, managing appointments and learnt to deal with hospital systems and services. Ros is proud to be the voice and make a difference for carers, if the family member who you care for attends UCLH. Rosalind says “I was delighted to be voted as carer governor and to be able to represent others who live a similar life as mine and hopefully be able to shape better services for others.” Rosalind also adds that “subject to a recent interview, she is also delighted and proud to be the patient voice for a further term of two years for rare diseases NHS England.” We are so proud of Ros’ continuation and growth in the area of patient communications where she excels in supporting families and advocating on behalf of them and FD sufferers helping to bring their voice to the forefront.