
Familial Dysautonomia-UK proudly present
The FD-UK Annual ONLINE Quiz
27th February 2022, 7.30pm zoom open for 8pm start to 9pm ish
A Fun Filled Charitable Quiz,The Venue: At Your Home By ZOOM
This years Quizmaster is Jo Grankin
Ticket Cost: Your choice by donation per household
Book early to save your space.
Just go to our Website FD-UK.Org
Click on Fundraising book xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You will then be sent your Zoom Meeting ID. You can also have
your own team at home, or create a virtual team via whatsapp. Just
open whatsapp chats /click on New group and add your people from your
contacts list, you can also give your team a name.
Your donations go towards paying for ,medical equipment, specialist care, supplements not on NHS, respite, & consultancy with USA & Israel.
Charity Commission Registration No. 285399 P.O. BOX 17679 London, NW4 1WS